Sumit S. Chaure

Data Science Portfolio

Explore my diverse collection of projects showcasing machine learning, data analysis, and more. Organized by project, each directory contains code, datasets, documentation, and resources.

January 02,2024

Used Car Price Prediction
using Machine Learning Models & Techniques.

In this data science project, I have conducted a comprehensive Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on a dataset containing information about used cars. The dataset encompasses a variety of features such as the car's make, model, year of manufacture, mileage, fuel type, and various other factors that influence the pricing of used cars. The primary objective of this project is to gain valuable insights into the dataset through EDA and build a robust machine learning model to predict the price of used cars.

Oil Spill
Classification using ML

"Machine Learning-Based Ocean Patch Classification Dataset: Predicting Oil Spills in Satellite Images through Advanced Feature Analysis."